Sanhedrin reconstituted after 1600 years
On Oct. 14, the Jews relaunched or reconvened a Sanhedrin in Tiberias, the site of its last meeting 1600 years ago. The Sanhedrin is the highest Jewish-legal tribunal in the Land of Israel, and is a religious assembly that convened in one of the Holy Temple chambers in Jerusalem, comprised of 71 sages or rabbis.
On Monday, Dec. 6, 50 of the members of this reestablished Sanhedrin ascended the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Several statements in these reports lead me to believe that this is an attempt to get things going, but it is not yet endorsed by nor participated in by the most influential rabbis in the Jewish world. It seems more likely to be a bold, adventurous, courageous attempt by some rabbis (at least 71) to light a spark and get things rolling, with the hope that it will become accepted and latched onto by more influential rabbis.
Also of interest is that those reconstituting this quorum view this as a necessary step preceding the coming of the Messiah, not that they are bold enough to state that this occurence of assembling the Sanhedrin is *the* step, but that this is one of the steps that must occur, and this attempt may or may not be it.
According to the first article, a similar attempt to reconvene a Sanhedrin occured several centuries ago, and did include some great rabbis, but "opposition of other leading rabbis soon forced the end of the endeavor". All in all, it will be interesting to watch and see where this goes.
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