Sunday, July 18

Root Beer Connoisseur

As I bought a Health Valley All Natural Herb & Root Sarsaparilla Root Beer today in the organic section of Harmons, I had a flashback to my first Christmas in Guatemala, which my companion and I shared with a missionary couple.
I was impressed with how cultured the Elder was in regards to root beer. He had made a special effort to find some imported root beer (very rare in Guate) for Christmas. He chilled the glasses and had a practiced pouring technique, an opening technique, and a tasting technique. His loving wife hero-ized (certainly not 'idol'-ized) him and supported this behavior -- I'm sure this is because she is a loving wife, not because she believes root-beer connoiseurity is required to gain exaltation :).
Root beer was so valuable, that when the top of my bottle broke as the Elder opened it - with his special opening technique - getting bits of shattered glass inside, he didn't throw it away. Instead, he got a handkerchief and slowly and painstakingly filtered the root beer into my glass.
So, to honor this Elder and his wife, whose names I sadly have forgotten, I offer the following link to a site with reviews and ratings of over 58 different rootbeers, (59 to be exact) by a man who cares more about root beer than I do...

(Edit: 2009-01-09. Since I guess I'm gonna revive my blog, I was reading some old entries. I see that the link to the Root Beer Connoisseur is dead. So, here's the Archive.Org link.


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